
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Breaking the Pattern

On the off chance you haven't heard, RPGNow has a bundled of over $1400[1] games available for download if you make a $20 donation to Haiti relief. This is slamming them so be patient with any slowness, but you can order here, and and check the total progress on the front page. It's over $10k last I checked.

In addition to being a great cause, this is a fantastic deal. There are so many products in this bundle that they can't show them all, but Fred's got the whole list over on his blog. Even if you don't care about the humanitarian side of things, this list is full of games that are worth $20 all by themselves. If the idea of gaming pdfs makes you break out in bleeding hives then, ok, you can give some money (and maybe you can consider it, even if you also buy the bundle) but if you're even _faintly_ curious about small press publishing, electronic game distribution, or just plain awesome games, then you should pick this up for entirely selfish reasons. The bundle is that good. A few of the ones that jumped out at me include:

  • BASH! Basic Action Super Heroes (New and Improved)
  • Beast Hunters
  • Chronica Feudalis
  • Colonial Gothic: Secrets
  • Cortex System Role Playing Game
  • Counter Collection 4th Edition Paragon 1
  • Damnation Decade
  • Dork Covenant
  • Full Light, Full Steam
  • Hollow Earth Expedition Earth Drill
  • MARS: Savage Worlds Edition
  • Piledrivers and Powerbombs: Chokeslam of Darkness Edition
  • Portrait of a Villain – The Desire
  • QAGS Second Edition
  • Serenity Role Playing Game
  • Seven Leagues roleplaying game of Faerie
  • Shaolin Squirrels : Nuts of Fury
  • Spirit of the Season
  • Summerland Revised and Expanded Edition
  • The Kerberos Club
  • The Squared Circle:Wrestling RPG
  • Thousand Suns: Foundation Transmissions
  • Thousand Suns: Transmissions from Piper
  • Three Sixteen
  • Thrilling Tales 2nd Edition (Savage Worlds)
  • Trail of Cthulhu Player’s Guide
  • [Savage Worlds] Strike Force 7 – Savaged!

And those are just the ones I know are good. There are SO MANY MORE, and even if Sturgeons' law is in full force, you're still going to get a great deal.

1 - Not a typo. There are times I am damned proud to be part of this hobby.


  1. Oh snap -- Damnation Decade. I always wanted to get that. Bad (and "bad") 70s SF is where I live. Maybe today's the day, yeah?

  2. I'm sure plenty of folks could chime in with their own favourites, but I'll add For the Love of Dungeons by Tony Dowler and No Dignity in Death: The Three Brides by James Raggi, plus an obscure PDF by some nobodies called Shrouded Agendas for D&D 4E: The Purifiers

  3. The list is long enough that I totally missed Purifiers! Just proof of how much awesome we have!


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